Optimisation of building technology and much more – our simulations
CFD comfort and flow simulation
Computational Fluid Dynamics (short: CFD) deal with the numerical investigation of currents. CFD flows are a practical alternative to experimental experiments like wind tunnel tests. Flow simulations enable investigations of flows, internal flows of buildings, water taps and heat flows. CFD programmes offer a numerical approximation by using the differential equations with a system of algebraic approximate equations. As discretisation methods we apply finite differences, finite elements and finite volume methods by using the approved Autodesk software programme.
The following results can be achieved by flow simulations:
- Minimisation of draft risk
- Improvement of thermal comfort
- Checking of the effectiveness of ventilation concepts
- Calculation of flow velocities
- Determination of building aerodynamics
Pfarrkirche Essling
Erzdiözöse Wien
Architekt DI Pointner MSc.
Entwicklung eines ganzjährlichen natürlichen Lüftungskonzeptes für die Kirche. Dazu wurden das Heiliggeistloch (Öffnungen am Gewölbescheitel) sowie ein Fensterflügel wieder aktiviert. Dazu wird das Heiliggeistloch und der Fensterflügel automatisch geöffnet bzw. geschlossen.